Headaches are a common health complaint, with over nine out of 10 people experiencing them at some point in their lives. There are many possible causes of headaches, including tension, sinus issues, eyestrain, and even certain foods. While over-the-counter pain medications can provide temporary relief, they do not address the root cause of the headache.
A chiropractor is trained to identify and treat the underlying cause of headaches using various safe and effective techniques. By focusing on the whole body, a chiropractor can help provide long-term relief and prevent future headaches from occurring. Chiropractic care can help you feel better and live a more healthy life. In addition, chiropractic care can help keep you from taking drugs or pain medications that may have unpleasant side effects.
Schedule Your Appointment
Why wait to begin feeling relief? Contact us today to schedule your first appointment.
How The Higher Health Process Works
1. Problem
The real problem is not your symptoms; it’s how those symptoms are affecting your life. Our focus is on the impact that subluxation and your symptoms are having on your daily life, what they’re preventing you from doing, and who they’re preventing you from being.
2. Goal
Our shared goal is to guide you towards optimal health and well-being, ensuring you not only get relief from immediate symptoms but also regain the ability to carry out essential tasks and eventually return to the activities you love. It’s about reclaiming your life so you can embrace your God-given potential.
3. Path
Our chiropractic care serves as a navigational tool, guiding you through your journey from where you are today – experiencing discomfort, limitations, and frustration – to where you want to go – a life free from pain, where you can engage in your daily activities and pursue your passions.
4. Plan
The plan we create together is a reflection of our dedication to your health journey. It will be straightforward and aligned with your goals, ensuring a clear and direct path to wellness. With our dedication and your commitment the potential to thrive is limitless.
How We Treat Headaches in Wyoming, MI
Comprehensive Consultation and Exam
A chiropractor will begin by conducting a comprehensive consultation and exam of your lower back, neck, and head. By performing physical tests and asking questions about the severity, frequency, location, and duration of the headache, a chiropractor can determine if chiropractic care is right for you.
There are over 150 different types of headaches. Determining which headache you are suffering from will define the appropriate steps for care.

Specific Chiropractic Care in Wyoming, MI
After your chiropractor has done a comprehensive examination to determine the cause of your headaches, they can develop a specific plan to treat the cause of your headaches. This will be tailored to you and will target areas that may be contributing to the pain. Many headaches are caused by cervical subluxation – spinal misalignments in the neck. These misalignments can disrupt proper muscle balance and function as well as interrupt nerve flow, scrambling communication between the brain and body.
Chiropractic adjustments correct these misalignments to restore proper nerve flow and muscle function, relieving muscle tension.
Custom Therapeutic Exercise Plan
Chiropractors may use various exercises to help you improve your condition and reduce pain. These exercises are customized to you and can help strengthen your neck and back muscles, relieving tension throughout the body.
By improving the function of these muscles, you can continue to feel better long after the massage has ended. In addition, exercises improve your range of motion, relieve soreness, and increase flexibility.
Nutrition and Supplementation
Our diet plays a significant role in headaches and headache relief. We will often recommend dietary changes that help support your overall health. A diet high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods helps reduce stress and lessen the effects of headaches throughout the entire body. These include red beans, cucumber, garlic, black tea, and dark chocolate. Reducing inflammation, especially through natural means like diet, is an excellent way to relieve headaches and prevent future flare-ups.
Common Types of Headaches We Treat in Wyoming, MI
Tension Headache
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. They tend to occur in the neck and scalp. They can be caused by stress, overuse of muscles, and neck strain. Symptoms include a dull headache with stabbing pain on one side of the head. Relieving muscle tension and restoring balance to the musculoskeletal system helps relieve tension headaches and prevent them from returning.
Migraines are debilitating headaches typically associated with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, and smell. Many migraine sufferers experience an aura or visual disturbances before a migraine attack. Headaches typically accompany light sensitivity, but the pain can range from mild to excruciating.
Cluster Headache
Cluster headaches are among the most painful. These headaches occur at the front of the face and behind the eye. They occur in clusters, lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours at a time over six to eight weeks. A patient will typically have between one and three attacks daily during a cluster headache period.
Sinus Headache
Sinus headaches are headaches that occur from sinus pressure or nasal congestion. They may include symptoms such as pain, tenderness, and swelling of the face, sinuses, or throat. Sinus headaches typically cause less pain than migraine headaches but can last several days.
Cervicogenic Headache
Muscle tension or subluxation in the neck causes cervicogenic headaches. They are typically accompanied by neck stiffness, pain on one side of the head, and ear pain. Cervicogenic headaches can be caused by something as simple as sleeping with your head turned in an awkward position. This can easily be corrected with a cervical chiropractic adjustment.
Concussion Headache
Headaches are often the result of a concussion, a mild traumatic brain injury where the brain bounces around the skull. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, or noise. The headaches can range from mild to severe, with pain that is felt on one side of the head and forehead. Also, you may notice that your vision is blurry, or you see stars or flashing lights.
Pregnancy Headache
Headaches that happen during pregnancy can range from mild to severe. The pain can occur anywhere in the head and face but is typically worse on one side. One or both sides of the head may be affected, which may cause visual changes.
Whiplash Headache
A whiplash headache is often the result of a whiplash injury. These injuries are common during a car accident or among athletes when the neck snaps backward and forward in a violent, rapid motion. Symptoms include a dull but intense pain on one side of the head. You may also notice pain or tenderness around your ears and jaw. Also, the pain may radiate up the back of your neck. A whiplash injury may also damage spinal structure, requiring the care of a chiropractor.
Check Out Our Locations Near You
1027 Gezon Parkway SW, Wyoming, MI 49509
180 Baldwin St #101, Jenison, MI 49428
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a chiropractor good for headaches?
Chiropractors are excellent at diagnosing and treating headaches. Much of their work involves identifying the underlying cause of the headache for long-term headache relief.
When should you see a chiropractor for headaches?
Headaches are common, but they are not normal. It is our body warning us of a deeper problem. Chiropractors can help pinpoint the underlying cause and address that for long-term relief rather than continually chasing symptoms.
Is a massage or chiropractic better for headaches?
Research has shown that patients who receive both massage and chiropractic care have the most favorable outcomes. This is especially true if your headaches are the result of muscle tension. In addition, research has shown that relaxation techniques can significantly reduce pain, even without a spinal adjustment.
Do medical doctors recommend chiropractors for headaches?
In many cases, medical doctors will recommend a chiropractor for their patients. Conventional medical treatment involves painkillers and muscle relaxers. These methods may temporarily relieve pain symptoms, but chiropractors can address the structural issues that are the source of your headaches. Structural problems require structural solutions.
How can I relieve my headaches?
Until you have experienced a chiropractic adjustment, you should avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting. You should also maintain a healthy diet, take relaxation breaks, and release any tension in the neck and shoulders.
Is chiropractic effective for migraines?
Chiropractic can help relieve the symptoms of migraines. A chiropractor can adjust your spine and balance energy flow through your nervous system. Chiropractic care can increase circulation in the areas of the head that cause migraines, which can reduce inflammation and pain caused by migraines. In addition, chiropractic care can help reduce the likelihood of a migraine attack.
What is a natural way to relieve tension headaches?
Research has shown that a natural way to relieve tension headaches is to use a relaxation technique, like progressive muscle relaxation. The technique involves tensing specific muscles for five seconds and then relaxing them for twenty seconds. The exercise should be performed for ten minutes, which may help relieve headaches faster than other treatments.
Medical doctors and providers often recommend chiropractors because they have tried-and-true methods to reduce the frequency and intensity of chronic pain disorders such as migraines, whiplash headaches, and tension headaches. Headaches may be relieved with basic over-the-counter pain medication, but these medications often leave the patient with additional side effects. The best medicine for a headache is natural chiropractic care.
Schedule Your Appointment
Why wait to begin feeling relief? Contact us today to schedule your first appointment.