Pregnancy Chiropractic Care


Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Chiropractic is becoming more commonplace for women who seek the healthiest, happiest pregnancies possible!
Why is chiropractic care important during my pregnancy?

Throughout the course of your pregnancy there will be many physiological and hormonal changes as your body prepares for the birth of your baby. This can be one of the most exciting seasons of your life, but it will bring some significant changes to your body and your health! As baby grows, your center of gravity moves forward increasing the low back curve and placing extra strain through the lower spine and hips. The hormone relaxin loosens joints, increasing mobility and decreasing stability which creates aggravation of previous joint injuries and amplifies pelvic instability.

Pregnancy Chiropractic Care
chiropractor pregnancy prenatal webster
Our doctors are certified in Webster Technique for safe and effective care throughout pregnancy

Growing baby and increased fetal movement creates expansion of the lower rib cage which can be aggravating to mid back joints that connect to the ribs. Modified pressure through shoulders to offset change in center of gravity causing loss of cervical curve can lead to headaches. Pelvic misalignment, if left uncorrected, alters pelvic opening and soft tissue which supports the uterus. Sacral subluxation disrupts the pelvic region which may contribute to dystocia (difficult labor). Add these up and you have a joyful season that can quickly become uncomfortable.

What is possible with Chiropractic Care during pregnancy?

  • Maintain healthier pregnancy Control symptoms of nausea
  • Encourages optimal fetal position through proper pelvic alignment
  • Reduced pelvic and round ligament discomfort
  • Pelvic alignment & balance Reduction in preeclampsia Reduce labor times
  • Reduces likelihood of Cesarean Reduced instances of dystocia
  • Reduce need for pain medication
  • Less incidence of postpartum depression
  • Promotes optimal fetal positioning Supports natural labor and delivery
  • More comfort while breastfeeding Greater production of breastmilk Less back, neck and joint pain Less back labor
  • Reduced risk of breech or flipping breech baby
chiropractor pregnancy prenatal

Choose Your Office

Wyoming Office

Wyoming Adjusting Hours

  • Monday
    10 am – 11:45 am
    3 pm – 6:15 pm
  • Tuesday
    10 am – 11:45 am
    3 pm – 6:15 pm
  • Wednesday
    7 am – 8:45 am
    10 am- 11:45 am
    3 pm – 4:45 pm
  • Thursday
    10 am – 11:45 am
    3 pm – 6:15 pm
  • Friday
    7 am – 8:45 am
    10 am – 11:45am

Meet Wyoming Team

Pregnancy Chiropractic Care

Jenison Adjusting Clinic

Our Jenison Adjusting Clinic Hours

  • Monday
    7 am – 9 am
    3 pm – 5 pm
  • Tuesday
    3 pm – 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday
    3 pm – 5 pm
  • Thursday
    7 am – 9 am